
創辦人王隆汨於1976年創立南隆車料有限公司,恭逢台灣自行車產業興盛的年代,一路走來歷經產業外移的考驗,淬鍊出經得起考驗的專業製造產能與高品質零件產品,成就業界領導品牌的實力。南隆累積多年自行車零件製造之專業能力與經驗,但愛因斯坦曾言:「想像力超越知識。」讓南隆有新的思維。 Nan Long Bicycle Material Co., Ltd. was found by Long Mi Wang in 1976, which was the prosperous era of bicycle industry in Taiwan. Going through the test of outward industry development, Nan Long is trained to possess professional manufacturing capacity and to produce superior quality components and products, allowing Nan Long to have the strength to become the leading brand in the industry. Nan Long has accumulated professional ability and experience of bicycle component manufacturing for many years; however, Albert Einstein said,“ Imagination is more important than knowledge”, this enlightened Nan Long to have a new thinking.


過去,南隆是自行車零部件代工製造商;現在,南隆也是您全方位的協力夥伴。今天請從全新的角度看南隆,因為我們明天將繼續超越你的想像。 In the past, Nan Long was a bicycle component OEM ; now, Nan Long is also your comprehensive partner. Please see Nan Long from a brand-new perspective today, because we are going to continue to act beyond your imagination tomorrow.

南隆車料有限公司累積四十多年來的商譽與專業能力,專注最高品質的追求,更大步跨出企業創新的步伐,將工業與工藝相連。勇於展現台灣創意精神的南隆企業,絕對是您的最佳的商業伙伴! Nan Long Bicycle Material Co., Ltd. has excellent reputation and professional ability for more than 40 years aiming to pursue the highest quality ; Nan Long also takes a big step in innovation to link industry and crafts together. Having the courage to show the creativity of Taiwan, Nan Long is definitely your best business partner.